Monday, January 17, 2011

Flower Girl...or FLOWER GIRLS?!?!?!

I talked with Krista on Saturday about my neice Lilee pulling Annie girl in a wagon or maybe holding hands if Annie will cooperate. So you know what that means? Finding two of the cutest dresses in the world for the two sweetest girls in the world! I love my nieces to pieces :) We will probably have to wait until the summer to find a dress for the two of them but this is what I've been looking at so far...

I found this website and it made me want to have a million little girls so that I could put them in these dresses!

They are a little pricey at $250 a piece!!!

So I've been looking on and found some adorable dresses and headpieces that are less expensive. 

Hope they are as excited as me :-)

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